Best Wine Work

Roberto Santana

Roberto Santa (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1977) is a well known wine expert and taster of the Canary Islands. His fame goes beyond our borders, and so does his wines which are elaborated in Tenerife. Santana studied Chemistry at La Laguna University and then travelled to Elche to study at Miguel Hernández University, where he met three friends that are now part of Envínate. They made wines in Taganana, Santiago del Teide and La Orotava. Luis Gutiérrez, writer and journalist (expert in wines and representative of Robert Parker’s Wien Advocate in Spain) highlights Santana’s work as a wine expert who led him to Suertes del Marqués winery, where the “revolution” of the canary wines started. Envínate, is also formed by Laura Ramos, born in Murcia, Alfonso Torrente, from Galicia and José Ángel Martine from Albacete. Not only do they make wine in Tenerife, but in Galicia, Extremadura and Murcia. All the wine they produce have something in common: “We make the wines we enjoy”, says Santana, and they follow the philosophy of “we believe in what we do; otherwise would be food for today and hunger for tomorrow”. The four experts experience firsthand the whole wine making process as well as the work in the vineyards, which they consider key to the final result.

“Nowadays , there isn’t a better wine, there’s only different wines. We like honest ones, those who show both the personality that the foil gives them and the character that marks the evolution of the grape and the soul of the people working in the vineyard”, Santana says. What Envínate does, using environmentally friendly products talks about the “terroir” and gives Atlantic airs, has been recognised by specialized critic all over the world. Their bottles are shown in the wine cellar of the best restaurants, not only in Spain, but also abroad. Moreover, Santana has became an example on the recovery of traditional vineyards systems, in Taganana for instance where he has kept a “Jurassic” way to treat this climbing plant. (Source: Diario de Avisos)

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